Inspired by Simone's post and fantastic picture, I set out on my own to make the Spinach and Apple Tart. I am now in possession of many, many eggs (from a friend with her own chickens), so was looking for ways to use them. Although I have much to learn in the art of making pie pastry, this turned out reasonably well. In retrospect, I would have weighted the pie shell down with rice or beans while it was cooking so that it would keep its shape. I also would have secured the edges of the pastry over the edges of the pie plate to avoid shrinkage. A moderate success nonetheless. The onion-rosemary confit (substituting rosemary for thyme) was quite simple, though was basically slow-roasted onions. I don't think it was necessary for the meal. As the picture of Simone's tart

is a perfect example for this recipe, I will show only the confit. My rating is 3 stars and 2 bars.
My second egg recipe for the weekend was smoked salmon scramble, an excellent breakfast for a Sunday morning before a day of yard work (as was the case). The salmon, I smoked in the summer with wood ships from an apple tree, and was very excited to re-discover it in my freezer for this recipe. The cream cheese, partially melted, was an excellent addition to the
scramble; fresh dill would have been much better than dried. My rating is 2 stars and 1 bar.
you must have a lot of tips on making pastry in your baking text book. my pastry also shrunk and alot of the egg spilled over the top and down the side of the pan. It didn't end up affecting the taste, but was less than perfect. Glad I could inspire you!